Application Of Industrial Fans In Steel Manufacturing Process

Steel is widely used for a variety of activities and has a substantial demand in the market. Steel can be used in a vast variety of applications by either casting or forging the steel into various shapes for specific applications.

industrial centrifugal fans

Steel can be recycled and is a relatively low cost material, hence it is used in various sectors such as construction, packaging, tools, transport vehicles as well as industrial machines and appliances.  Steel is produced by making use of raw materials like coal, iron ore and limestone where, iron ore is the base metal of steel. Steel can be manufactured either by charging the raw material to the blast furnace or by recycling the raw material in the electric furnace. Industrial fans offer their helpfulness in both the methods of steel manufacture.

PA Fans

Benefits Of Centrifugal Fans In The Preparation Of Raw Blend
Iron ore wisps are shaped into oval particles by adding clay. These oval particles of iron are hardened when heated with a fuel followed by drying. The hardened iron particles after heating are called as pellets. To favor the heating process of iron particles centrifugal type fans are used. Centrifugal fans are used not only for heating the iron, but they are also used in drying and hardening the iron pellets after the heating process.

Once the iron pellets are formed, they are again heated along with coal to produce porous mass. This process of making porous mass of raw mix is called sintering. Centrifugal fans are used in the sintering process too. They serve their purpose in the heating process by favoring combustion, they are of good help in eliminating the unnecessary gases after the combustion process and also in cooling and drying the solids which are sintered. Besides this, they are also used in dust removal and the de-dusting work.

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Advantages Of Industrial Process Fans In The Blast Furnace Process
Once the process of making iron pellets and sinter of raw mix is completed, the raw mix is charged into the blast furnace. The raw mix is heated in the blast furnace at high temperatures. To provide sufficient heat, oxygen is required. Therefore, industrial fans are used to provide oxygen continuously. Since the blast furnace method give out high temperatures, carbon dioxide and other exhaust gases are produced. These hazardous gases are drawn out by using exhaust fans. Cooling fans are employed to maintain the temperature of the furnace.

PA Fans

Uses Of Industrial Fans In The Electric Furnace Method
In Electric furnace method of steel manufacture, recycled steel strips are used. The steel strips are made to melt by using electric currents. The electric furnace operates at relatively high temperatures and hazardous fumes are extracted while melting the steel.  To maintain the high temperatures and to eliminate the hazardous fumes industrial fans are used.

Usage Of Industrial Centrifugal Fans In Steel Industry
Steel industry makes extensive use of industrial process fans mostly centrifugal fans. Centrifugal fans are of great help in offering high pressure for combustion process. Centrifugal fans hold good in both high and low temperatures, so they are also used for material handling and exhaust systems. Centrifugal type fans play a key role in various stages of steel manufacture and are aid in the manufacturing process. Without industrial fans, steel making would be way more difficult.

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Centrifugal Fan Types Used In Various Stages Of Steel Manufacturing
Steel is a material that has wide usage and aids in many activities. The production of steel is enabled by a variety of Industrial process fans.  High pressure centrifugal fans are used in material handling while medium pressure centrifugal fans are used in the cooling process. Sometimes heavy volume fans are employed in case of high temperatures, for cooling, backward curved and backward inclined centrifugal fans are used for drying.