Mercedes- Benz Dealerships Top Again in Sales

Mercedes Benz is the top performing dealership brand for 2011 as reported by the Chicago Tribune study. Mercedes Benz was followed by Jaguar and Lexus. Toyota’s dealership and Chrysler attracted the mass market. They are getting good sales in US mass market.

Mercedes Benz faced a tight competition from BMW to overtake the Lexus to become a top selling luxury product in US market. Lexus lost its performance due to earth quack and tsunami in Japan that disturbed the production. The report said Low volume brands Mitsubishi motors and Suzuki motors stayed at the bottom.

According to Pied Piper PSI data, Mercedes Benz brand got the first rank from the dealers. This survey has viewed that the reduced staff at dealership is the main reason for sales reduction as it cuts the customer satisfaction. The study also said that, focusing on customer tailoring is very important. It is needed to answer the consumers questions and give the information about the product, though it takes time but improve the sales digits. The Pied Piper PSI study was conducted based on the industry given data and dealership given data.