Ford Sues Ferrari for Trademark Infringement

Ford Motors is suing for the violation of the trade mark law by the Ferrari, the suit was filed in the federal court in Detroit. The reason for this suit is, one of the logo of Ford was used by the Ferrari. F-150 is the logo used by Ford since 1975 model year for its full-size pickup trucks. Ferrari named their 2011 Formula One racing car the F150. According to Ferrariā€™s website, Ferrari chose this name in honor of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. But Ford had complained saying that it resembles their F-150 logo.

Ford wants to bar Ferrari from using the name F150. After all, the differences between a Ford pickup truck and a Ferrari Formula 1 race car are very little. Ford is also asking for the compensation for the damages under an anti-cybersquatting provision of the Consumer Protection Act.

Ferrari wants to change the sports car name to F150th Italia instead of calling it as F150 in sequence to dissolve any misunderstandings with Ford because Ferrari wants to avoid fines from Wayne County jury who are known for exorbitant damage awards. The other reason for changing the name of the sports car is, Ferrari believes its own contender in the upcoming F1 Championship cannot be confused with any other types of commercially available vehicle. However, American company Ford Motors strictly announced that they will sue Ferrari and will ask $100,000 in a court because Ford thought that Ferrari already purebred a web domain for a new F1 automobile and it is something unchangeable for a picture of a brand.