Deaths Related to Different Drugs – DAWN

Using illegal drugs causes many problems. It leads to death as well. According to survey report by DAWN, drug related death rate is increasing from one period other . Drug use causes death of many people. The investigation was done for DAWN cases. There are many type of drugs which cause deaths such as:

  • Many illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and Ecstasy.
  • Other prescription drugs, like Prozac, Vicodin, OxyContin, alprazolam, and methylphenidate.
  • Over the counter medications, like aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and multi ingredient cough and clod remedies.
  • Dietary supplements like vitamins, herbal remedies, nutritional products.
  • Psychoactive inhalants, nonpharmaceutical inhalants.
  • Having alcohol with the combination of other drugs.
  • Alcohol without any drugs for individuals who have age under 21 years.

According to report, there are two major categories of drug related deaths which are based on the manner of the death, such as:

Drug related deaths:
Natural or accidental deaths with drug involvement. Medical use, non medical use, overuse, and misuse of prescription drugs and over the counter medications and drug abuse may cause these two categories of deaths.

Drug related Suicide deaths:
These type of deaths are caused by drug involvement. Thousand of the young adults and their families are impacted by suicide problem, and it is the major problem in United States. Using drug can cause behavioral changes, so it may lead to suicide. Generally, overdose of drug can cause suicidal deaths.

There are many negative affects of drug abuse and death also can be caused by the drug abuse or over use or misuse of prescription drugs.