Legendary Singer Joan Baez Is In Celebratory Mood

Every one of us will be happy if we achieve anything good and if anyone who is celebrating 50 years of successful career as singer then how it is for her. I am talking about legendary singer, Joan Baez and her happiness in successful completion of 50 years in show business when she is 67.

She raised to fame during folk movement in 1950’s and 1960’s with a new album “Day After Tomorrow.” At the age 20, she wanted to go for politics but thought her voice may not sheer the power. She was passionately expressed her support for Barack Obama during his presidential campaign and praised Obama as an Orator like a King.

She felt that the country is now politically charged and while answer to a question ‘will Obama can change America’ she said Obama has already changed the America with his victory. She expressed her thoughts about politics as country is politically charged and she loves Obama. She was unhappy with her career in 20’s and 30’s and now she sings just for joy.